Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Report #16

Report # 16 Sunday April 12

We were up rather early as we had to pack and leave for Lviv today. It was raining hard and in fact rained all the way to Lviv, very dreary.

We arrived in good time for the meeting at 12 Noon and had time to have a sandwich before the people started arriving. Vadym had intended to stay for the meeting but his wife phoned on our way to Lviv and said that she had taken Amelia to the hospital with a high temp and constantly crying with her sore mouth. We think she has what we call Thrush, but they only have a medical name for it. He had a drink and sandwich and headed right back. We really appreciated our time with him for the past two weeks.

Some of the people who usually come to meeting were absent because of sickness or work out of town but their were still 13 of us. I and Louis spoke and then we sang some hymns while Flo got the homemade pizza warmed up. She has regained her 5 Star Rating as the pizza was lovely.

We had a long talk with Misha who has been keeping the meetings going before Flo came back and even now when we are not here. He has agreed to go up to Ivano Frankivsk while we are absent and take a meeting. We suggested alternate weeks and he is willing to do that. He is presently out of work and feels that God would not have him go back to work but rather work among the new Christians as well as preach the gospel.

Louis and I are prepared to send him some fellowship and he is very willing to do the work. He will go to Ivano on other days than the meeting in Lviv.

We planed to go to the Carpathian mountains tomorrow but on checking, we found they have had torrential rain again and the roads would be too bad, so we have made other plans for tomorrow.

God bless.

Louis and Malcolm.

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