Monday, May 11, 2009

Summary of Ukraine Visit: Future Needs and Opportunities (Part 3)

This is the final post in a series of three installments which provide an overview of our recent visit to Ukraine in both Lviv and Ivano Frankivsk. See the previous posts here and here.


What the work in Ukraine needs is a couple who have God’s leading to full time service in this country. Presently, the door is wide open to the gospel and the distribution of the scriptures. There is no opposition to the preaching or teaching of the word.

Wisdom is needed in not preaching “religion” as most people are “religious” and never pass a church or shrine without crossing themselves. We find that if we preach Christ and Him crucified, they are willing to hear the rest of the story. At their Easter time, everyone is greeted with “Christ is risen”. It isn’t too hard to get into conversation and ask why He had to die in the first place.

The Ukrainian people have lived for centuries with hardship and sorrow. The present financial situation is nothing new to them, but it is hard to see and to hear of their problems such as loss of jobs, non-payment of salaries and pensions and an increase in theft and violence. Many people cannot afford their medications or the costs incurred if a hospital visit is needed.

Please pray for the people of Ukraine that the government will be able to survive the present problems and that things will begin to improve.

Thank you for your interest in this often forgotten part of the world.

Malcolm Stanley.
Portage la Prairie MB

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