Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Ukraine Fall 2009 Report #14


We are still well. We went to bed at 10;30 and a few minutes later we heard the front door open and a man’s voice call out for Vadym. He was in bed in the other room so I went to the top of the stairs and there was a doctor with a nurse. They came and checked him out and gave him a needle, and said his lungs were clear but he had a temp.

Went to visit Natalia with MS. The poor girl has an allergic reaction to medication with a massive red blistered area on her face. She is taking medication for it.

We gave her a set of Ukrainian NT on CD. She was thrilled.

Ps Vadym woke this morning (Sunday) feeling much better. His temperature was down. He stayed in bed most of the day but says he will be fine for Monday to take out some clothing boxes to an orphanage and may be an old folks home. We should be able to meet the old people.

We had 20 people out to meeting and they listened well. Again there were people asking for help with prescriptions for themselves and children. It never ends.

One lady who always has us over to her home for a rabbit meal, could not have us as she is renovating so brought us a pot with rabbit and potatoes, a jar of pickled tomatoes a bag of apples and a bag of walnuts. The rabbit was wonderful and there’s enough for tomorrow.

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