Sunday, June 5, 2011

Eric Fowler update #14

DAY 14 Tuesday May 31
 Greeting again from the wonderful Ukraine .......
Vadym is still sick with a very high temperature but he got a driver for us today.
Our driver is Peter a young man not married and knows some English; he was a great help today.
We did some nice visits today, some very necessary ones.   We went to Donna’s first, the lady with many children and very, very, poor. We paid some on her light bill. She often has no lights for they owe so much the town cuts it off. The amount we paid her husband said was 4 months work here. They were so grateful. She was out tonight even though all day in the garden.
Then we went to a home I want to do some repairs to. This lady has three girls, often very sick from smell in the house.  We gave her food and some money for medicine for her girls.
Her neighbor was there, a very old lady and we gave her some food and she cried; they we both out to meeting tonight We also tried to visit Jania who comes to meeting but she wasn't home.
We came home and got ready for meeting did some practice with Peter and 15 were out to meeting, 4 men and rest ladies. Peter did well with help from the lady's. It’s nice to see how they learn what you want to say.
Then we went after meeting to Natalia, the lady in the wheelchair with MS. Her mom was nice, she wasn't on our first visit to her. We left food and Pampers for the girl.
Peter was tired he had a long day with us and did well.
We went to the telephone office to call my wife but it was closed, but it was of the Lord.
When we came away from the place I heard English been spoken from someone and I said “English?“ they said yes, I said “American?” They said “No Canadian”. It was a man from  British Columbia doing work with Orphanages. We talked to him and gave them a Canadian Flag with JOHN 3:16 on it.
His driver was Vadyms neighbor, amazing. The man preached to him on the verse and said he wanted to do this all day to him but never got the chance until I gave him the text.
It was so amazing a man from Nfld and a man from BC brought together in Ukraine to preach a message to our driver’s neighbor.
Daniel met this man at Vadym’s last year and wanted to give him the Gospel and tonight was the night for it. God is such a great and wonderful God.
Remember the other day when one girl gave me the verse NOTHING IMPOSSIBLE WITH GOD.
We are tired too as we come home but happy that God is at work with no barriers.
                                                Eric and still with Daniel
PS     value you prayer, for WISDOM is needed every day and every step of the way .....

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