Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Dan's Reports: #1

Sunday, 6 of November

A full van load Left for Lviv early morning for the remembrance of our Lord and there Malcolm stayed behind for he will be going back home to his wife and family this week. While he was here we covered good ground, the Lord opened the doors for two more schools here in Ivano-Frankivsk and both of the principals of these schools are interested in us coming on a regular basis combining Christian Ethics with English as a class, not sure where this will go yet.
We also got a long overdue song book for our gathering to the printer, it will be completed this month. We can hardly wait to have them!
We got back in time for our meeting here with about 20 out.
On Monday we got a legal document made that explains our purpose here in Ukraine. This is needed in order for us to visit the prisons here, our first request was denied due to lack of this document. 
We visited a school/orphanage today and had a talk with the principal about having a meeting with the kids. The school is in town and has close to 500 students and about 150 live there. The principal was very easy to talk to and with just a few questions granted our request and set up two classes to speak to on Wednesday.
Tuesday had a brief visit with Andre (Vadym’s father in-law). One of his daughters will be getting married this month plus he is still going to the village on the weekends and gathering up the vegetables. Earlier this year he was showing some interest in wanting to get a better understanding of the Bible and his own standing before God but got busy and hasn’t been out to the meetings but still shows some interest. One of the tactics of the enemy is to keep those who show interested so busy that they lose all interest.  I hope he does not succeed with Andre!  We had our evening meeting, lighter than usual but thought they listened well.
Thank You for all your interest, please continue to pray!!
In Christ our Lord

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