Monday, March 26, 2012

Dan's Reports: #14

Monday the 27 of February

We got up early morning, Vladimir, Tarras and I, and went to the mountains for a day
of skiing. Have been trying to plan trips like this to build relationships but with
the life being so busy it does not always work and though we started off with 7
possibly going it ended up with the 3 of us. Very good condition for skiing and a great
time spent together! And no broken bones, God did bless!!

Tuesday Vladimir and I woke up quite sore, he more than I. Then got ready for the
meeting, it was great that Vladimir was willing to speak after me. For some in our
meeting this would have been the first time hearing a gospel message in Ukrainian
and by a Ukrainian with no interruptions (interpreting). This was Vladimir’s First time
speaking here in Ivano and they were all very attentive. It was good that the people
here heard a gospel message by a Ukrainian and for them to know this is not a
message by foreigners. The best way to reach the Ukrainian people is by using
Ukrainian people! Then after the meeting we went ice skating and once again God
blessed it, no broken bones!!

Thursday took Vladimir to the bus station as he headed back to Lviv, a sad day!

While he was here we met a number of people and had nice talks; most of them
were in the twenty something generation and both of us can see great opportunities
in reaching this group of people. But yet he is leaving to go back to Lviv and my time
is coming to an end shortly, here in Ukraine but all is in God’s hands and He holds the

Then I called Svetlana and bought some prescriptions and visited with a lady name
Antelina. She was coming to the meetings but is now sick, she said she would like to
be there. I told her we can meet at her home and read the Bible together if she likes?
The Bible is very new to her; most of her life was lived under communism. It would
be good to spend some time sharing and showing God’s Plan of Salvation to her!!

On Friday, Louis Smith arrived safe in Lviv and I will be bringing him to Ivano on

Continue to pray for God’s protection and blessings while Louis is here and for
guidance and wisdom in where to go and with whom to meet! Thank You!!

In Christ our Lord.


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