Monday, June 18, 2012

2012 report from Eric

June 3
               Busy very busy …. The other days we just thought we were busy ….
Morning rise with breakfast and devotions … we were in Lviv all weekend since Friday .
Morning worship was great, Howard and I spoke at the end.  May God help Edmond to guide the sheep here. Still some missing but summer is very busy for all. 
We came back to Ivano and nice number out again.  The crowd was smaller than last Sundays as it is an holiday Monday and some away to home villages. Everyone tired from weekend travel.

June 4
 Monday holiday, not much traffic in town.  We went and made a payment to give back water and lights to poor family. The two children needed payment made so they can pass in school, It’s sad but bribes are everywhere in this country. The girl is a good artist but poor and may not get very far. 
Then went to Michael and family and gave medicine and help to get glasses …they never miss meeting he has been coming even thought not well; heart trouble and sugar. Nice to see him. We went over the Two Roads Chart with them him and son may be saved she didn’t say to much.  Then went to a neighbour here, Russian and gave him Bible, he asked and yet said he doesn’t believe in God .  God knows but he was happy we came and gave us honey. Leanna and Daughter came for supper had nice visit with them,  she had many questions.
Then we got bags ready for Hospital tomorrow to give to mothers; we have 15. These are the bags the Ladies from Welland Ontario got ready and gave me.

 June 5
 For sure, God gives rest for tired minds and bodies and then energy to go and do the days visits.   Went to hospital and made 15 visits to new mothers.  Some were Christians, amazing as God leads; some very very poor.  We met the  head Doctor first and gave him some more sheets ..the need is so great. Then went to Ivan and Dana and finished the needed payments there and went over some more Bible truth. She is saved for sure but not sure about him andsons.
    Vadym’s wife child and father in Law Aundri were out. We would like see him saved, he was troubled last year.   22 people out and a great rain I thought no one would come, they must have an interest surely. 
We need a good leader here to help them yearly.   A GOOD EXERCISE FOR SOME YOUNG COUPLE ….WHO WILL GO?   One wonders when the day over what is in it for the Lord.

June 6
  Early rise and away to the mountains to be away all night.  This is to the school where we did washrooms last year.  Now we will deliver a gift from Canada for the Gymnasium.  They will close school if it is not up to standard.   We found out why no money is given to the school by the government. It is a nice piece of land and the Government men want to build on it. They don’t care what will happen to the children.
Had nice visit with the Head lady of the school. She took us to her home for supper. We left clothing and school things with her in the evening.  She took us to a man who sings and teaches local singing a nice visit for sure. He had a collection of harps, fiddles and many other things.   We stayed in a log cabin resort.  I t was a nice place.  Many government people have resorts in the mountain area.
This was a long drive and the roads were very bad from rain.  The country was hit by wind and rain and damage everywhere.

June 7
  We had our devotions and breakfast outdoors.  Amazing for sure .   Gave her the money for the project; teachers  will do most of the work.   The money will be for material. We went to the street while waiting to meet with her and gave out New Testaments, tracts, and texts and other material.  This is where I’m the happiest for sure.
We were praying for an opening in the town it has 7000 people.  A lady came and we are invited to meet with a Baptist man. He showed us the building they meet in in  town.   He then took us out of the town to another building another group meets in and also a summer camp area.  The Germans have helped them much and also with a Van. He gave us tea and fresh strawberries.   He was very friendly and very humble. He has been in the mountains 15 years and has seen 4 little groups come together and another one in the making.  They are independent  Baptists and are clear on much truth.  We asked if any need and he said 100 full Bibles would be the greatest need so we will get those in Lviv on the weekend.  He was to Manitoba for visit and went to some Baptist there and went out only once but said he would not go back.   We may be able to help more then we think so will pray much about this.  The assembly in Lusk started from a Baptist group there.
Went to the ski resort nearby, before coming back to Ivano.  Tired very tired   but happy in spirit as God guides to help others.   OTHERS LORD LET THIS OUR MOTTO BE OTHERS …..

June 8
                 Days left are short in Ukraine, home on the 16th.
Went to pick up more medicine for the folks that are coming to meeting.  Also went and got boots for Luba’s mother in law and went with Luba to village to deliver them.  We wanted to explain little more of the Gospel to this lady.  We did just that and met her daughter from the village.   Came back to Ivano and went and paid 3 month’s rent on the apartment.  We rent it from a Lawyer lady and again she asked about if we want to buy.  It would be nice to be able to do this. But we need a place to display clothing where anyone could comes in and get clothing free, like a open front door with a place to talk to those who came and give literature too.
  God is able to move hearts to the need.

 June 9
     Breakfast and devotions.   My body is slowing down … the trip is winding down and the mind gets tired of different sounds and need are so heavy it touches the compassion part of the heart and with such a great demand.  No plans for the day but as it started it got filled.   Danna called a German lady and took us to an orphanage of 26 children 50 km out of town.  Had nice time there took two boxes of clothing and went picked up some more at a used clothing place but not like what we have come in the boxes.  We are running out here and was expecting boxes from Newfoundland but doesn’t look like it will come before we go.   Spoke to the children and workers and gave them oranges, candy, text, tracts and some games we bought.  Came back into town and went to take Heidi to Jewish mass grave of 12000 Jews.  Svetlana is Jewish and she said it’s not good  place to be. She was there  when she was 15 years old and not since. 
Then went to Danna’s mom’s friend, a lady who was a doctor and her husband was a very famous artist.   What a home and what history.   We went into a room where they had famous people’s faces drawn on the wall, many were in the room and all had their face drawn on the wood there.  Much much more but can’t say more by e mail. 
Went to supper and now home to rest …for tomorrow will be the drive to Lviv over 2 hours there and back…. But nice to break bread every  Lord’s day when here. It would be great to see an assembly here in Ivano…GOD  CAN DO IT AND MAY WE WILL SEE IT SOME DAY.     But, unless God build the house ……. 
Ivano has history of God’s earthly people may there also be history of his Heavenly Children.
Eric Margie Howard Heidi

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