Thursday, August 30, 2012

Update from Malcolm

Update on the work continuing in Western Ukraine.

Thankfully there has been a worker in Lviv and Ivano for most of the Spring and summer. This is very
encouraging for the Assembly in Lviv and the group in Ivano. Both need the help of brethren from
outside the country to keep up their interest and to encourage them.

In early Spring, Eric Fowler and Howard Pratt were together in Ivano Frankivsk along with Dan Perez.
Then Gilles Plourde arrived on July 26th and ministered in both Lviv and Ivano until August 9th. This was
very helpful as Edmund and Agnes Johnston had gone back to Ireland and so there was no one in Lviv or
Ivano to meet with the Christians as well as the non Christians.

Only a few weeks have elapsed with no one there and now Dan Perez will return on September3rd. for 3
months. Edmund and Agnes should be back in Lviv early September too.

Malcolm Stanley and Howard Pratt plan on returning on October the 9th for a month. Following their
visit, Louis Smith is planning to visit as well.

We are asking once more for your prayers as we seek to bring the gospel to those who are not yet sure
where they will spend eternity, and to teach those who need help to live as Christians. The family of Flo
Kancir would also desire your prayers for Flo who is still in hospital after two major surgeries and is not
making good progress.

Please pray also that we will still be able to send humanitarian aid with no problems from the
authorities, as the needs are still very great for the poor and those in institutions.

Malcolm Stanley.

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