Thursday, November 1, 2012

Malcolm Report #6

Ukraine Report #6 for October 25-28

Thursday was a run-around get ready for the Conference in Lviv sort of day. We picked up the van from the shop and really appreciate the new stick shift. We also got some bulbs put in the instrument panel. Now we are ready to go to Lviv tomorrow.
We did some more shopping and then headed home to get ready for meeting at 7pm. Oleg and Ola and Igor, from the prison authority met with us and we had a good study of Isaiah 53. There was some lively discussion, mainly by Oleg, who does not think the Ukrainian bible is not as true or accurate as the Russian or English one. We concluded that he was probably right.
Friday we were making final arrangements as to those who are going to the Conference. Things are different in Ukraine to Conferences in N America. There are no homes of Christians that are able to host visitors, so they must all be housed elsewhere. A large Baptist church is rented, or at least a portion of it. We use a side hall that has a kitchen and then upstairs they have 3 floors of dormitories. This is not enough for all the visitors, so they also have to rent rooms in a local hostel that is quite nice, so they say.
We were to leave at 4pm sharp with a bus plus our own van. The group we met a week ago were coming with 16 people and they were in a bus we rented. Well some were late arriving and so our van left at 4:15 and they got away a 4:30. We went as quickly as possible as they had supper waiting for us in Lviv. We arrived at 6:30 and they had our soup and sandwiches waiting for us. The meeting started at 7pm and the other van arrived at about 7:10.
The meeting was for the gospel and a brother from Ireland, Dennis Williamson and Howard preached. After meeting we had lunch and then began the job of getting everyone into the right rooms. Not an easy job, I can tell you. Eventually we left, Howard and I and Yaroslav to stay at Flo’s apartment and Dan with Volodia at his home.
Saturday morning we all had breakfast at the Church and also had good fellowship with the invited guest. We know little about them but they were all the most gracious guests.
The first meeting was for Prayer and it went very well. It was followed right away with a bible reading in 1 Corinthians Ch 1, lead by Brother Williamson. There was good participation by several brethren.
After a good lunch, the meeting was for ministry of the word of God. Dan Perez spoke first, I was next and lastly Brother Williamson. The ministry was well received by all who listened. After this meeting we had a good supper again prepared by the sisters in the Lviv meeting.
The day was over and the Lutsk Christians went home to Lusk but we and the visitors stayed over for the Sunday morning meeting. We turned our clocks back one Hour before going to bed.
Meeting was at 11am in the Gospel Hall but we were ready by 9am because of the time change.
The brothers had setup enough chairs for our visitors. None were in the fellowship but there were seats for all. We were surprised to see a new man with a shaved head sitting with our guests. We found out they had found him on the street and he was willing to be brought to the meeting. They had shaved his head as he had lice and got him clean clothes. They are bringing him back to Ivano as they have a drug and alcohol rehab here.
We all headed home after a lunch at the hall and arrived in time for meeting at 5 pm. Had a nice number into the meeting.
Altogether, a most enjoyable weekend, trusting there will much Glory to God been seen.
Malcolm and Howard and Daniel.

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