Thursday, May 8, 2014

Malcolm's Report #10.

Malcolm’s Report #10 for May 4th 5th and 6th.

We headed for Lviv at 8am once again, not seeing or feeling any improvement in the road. We had a good meeting and I spoke after the B of B. Edmund is back in Lviv and is busy once again meeting both spiritual and material needs of the people in the city and region.

 We took a young lady with us named Tania, who is a nurse. She has been out to several meeting and the Conference in Lviv, but had never been to an assembly meeting in Lviv. Volodia had a good opportunity to speak to her on the way home about the things that he had had questions about, before he got saved. She seems to be interested and we can only hope she gets saved.

We then headed home and got ready for the meeting at 7pm. There was a good turn-out of people who gave good attention. This was Howard and my last Sunday meeting here. There were many hugs and sad good byes.
We went home and got stuff ready for tomorrow’s visit to Virhovina on the Romanian border.

We left at 8:30 for Virhovina, a 3 ½ hour trip. We have 2 optional routes to go and elected to go with the GPS route. We have traveled this route before but were not prepared for the destroyed roads in the mountain area. We arrived but with more rattles under the van than we started with. Will have to have it looked at.

We met the School director Oxana, and were then taken to speak to a group of teens who are learning English. They were very attentive and we both spoke and had a great time with them. Some were hoping to be interpreters, which would be very nice.

We then took our belongings to the place we were going to stay in for the night. We often wonder why people would build such beautiful buildings in such awful places. This was no exception, but what a beautiful place this man had built. A log 3 story lodge. We each had a room with shower, and a double bed. We looked out of the windows and saw the hills all around and snow capped mountains in the distance. We really felt we were suffering for the Lord! Just to say that Oxana the school Director had pre-paid this accommodation for us and would not let us pay a dime. She so appreciates what has been done for her school and the message we bring.

As if the accommodation was not enough, we were then invited to her home for a most delicious supper. We sat at the table at 8pm and got up at 11pm! They don’t rush their meals. We spoke with her husband about his hope for eternity, but were very disappointed to hear him say his spirit will leave him and will find someone else. Such darkness among so much “dead religion”.

We were served breakfast in the lodge by the owners wife. Not our usual breakfast, but one they are used to. Corn meal with a mushroom sauce, and tea made from mountain herbs. No toast of coffee!!
We left and went to deliver some bibles we had promised to a pastor who has several mountain groups he ministers to. Others have met this man and are very impressed with his zeal in the gospel.

We headed on the “road” (for want of a better word) towards home but had a school and orphanage to visit on the way in a town named Vocovets. The contact had been made last fall when we were in Ivano and having lunch in a Pizza place. Next to our table there were about20 or more Ukrainian dancers, all in their costumes. I happened to comment on how nice they looked and then found out the leader spoke English. They were in Ivano to perform in competition. The leader is the Principal of the school in Vocovets and was determined we should visit. Dan has already visited and we went again. What an exciting reception.
 We spoke to the juniors first and they were just lovely to speak to. They do not have an auditorium so we spoke in the dining room. We then spoke to the older children with the same attention. We were treated to one of the best lunches we have had and even sent home with a “doggy bag” of home baked buns. The Principal’s mother was the principal before him and is still very active in the school. They also have a dormitory/orphanage on the same grounds as the school. The reason is that many of the children live in the mountains and come to school on Monday and go home on Friday. Some also have home problems, we think and stay longer.
We left them with cleaning and cooking supplies for which they were very grateful.
On the way home we noticed a knocking sound under the van and determined we had to get it fixed when we got home.
Altogether a most productive we trust, and enjoyable time away. We were very tired but had our meeting at 7pm with the biggest number we had out since we came. One young man came for the first time. His name is Vadym and stopped to talk long after the others had left. We are sure he will be back to meetings with Dan will continue, as we were having them.
Sleep was very welcome and a good night rest needed.
We trust things will remain quiet and that the election will go ahead as planned.
Malcolm, Howard and Volodia.

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