Friday, August 22, 2014

Dan's time in Moldova in August.

First half of August in Moldova                                                                           
My last days in Ukraine were busy, one operating table came in from Canada but because of the weight Oleg thought it would be a good idea to have it delivered to his garage where he has an electric hoist, so we used this to get it out of their van. Then we called the head doctor at the maternity hospital and he had it delivered there, he was very thankful to receive this equipment!
One of the ladies that comes to the meetings named Halla had a stroke, her granddaughter asked me if I could visit her at the hospital and so I did. She didn’t look at all well and said she didn't feel well. We have talked in times pass about her salvation and she told me that she knows she is going to heaven because of what Jesus did for her on the cross. My time there was short because she was weak and tired but I was able to help her with some of her prescriptions that she needed. Others also came asking for help with prescriptions and was able to help them as well.
My friend Taras picked me up early the next morning to drive me to the train station; there we bid each other farewell. I'm still feeling a little sad leaving the people but trust that God will continue working in their hearts with all that they have heard from His Word! Took the train for the first time to a town closer to the Moldovan border, trying all I can to reduce the long uncomfortable bus ride. From that town another eight hour bus ride to Chisinau the capital of Moldova then another three and a half hour bus ride to Cahul. Yes, both buses were small, crowded, hot and sticky and most of the people are afraid to open the windows, go figure?
Once getting to the house in Cahul I could see how things had changed; on the outside weeds have grown from underneath the cobblestone throughout the backyard and the garden that Gabriel have planted was now a jungle. Inside the house spiders and spider weds were everywhere even as you first walked into each room your face seems to find all the webs. Was glad that the spiders thought to protect the house in this way but even then the house had been broken into, not good!
 Spent the next few days cleaning inside and outside the house. The weather has been very hot an average of 90-97f (32-36c) and high humidity and mostly sunny all day. At night time the animal kingdom comes alive and you hear many different sounds plus hundreds of frogs spring to life all over the place, one of these frogs made it in the house I discovered it in the bedroom before bedtime, and they say this is not Africa?
Almost each night since I’ve been back one of the neighbors have been stopping by to talk, one night when he came he had his bible in his hand and the first words were “I want to talk about marriage”, I think he has a girl in mind. He is a young Christian man and has express a desire to be obedient to the calling of God where ever it my lead, he is hoping to find a women with the same desire.
Two wedding have taken place this month one in Ukraine just after I left and another here to which I was invited by a young man from the assembly in Roshu. It was my first Moldovian Christian wedding. There were two speakers both live in Romania and one of them is a commended worker from Scotland. They both gave very good and clear messages on God’s design of marriage and the role of the husband and the wife. Then at the reception more and more scriptures and wishes were given for them to have a blessed marriage!! It was a very nice wedding and it was on a very very hot day, no one told us there will be a free sauna along with the wedding!
I went to a town called Orac for a two day bible reading. Two men from Germany were the main speakers. The bible reading was on 1Corinthians 12 where the chapter starts off by saying “Now concerning spiritual gifts”.  Many good and practical things were said about this chapter and strong reminder on v22, that even the smallest gifts are necessary or how another version put it “indispensable”, all the gifts of the church are to be used and are needed and they were given by God to glorify His Son!!! Had a good time with the saints there and yes, another hot and sticky two days!
           This will be my last update before going home to Chicago. I hope to make it back as soon as I can if the doors are still open! It has been an honor and a privilege to serve the Lord in this capacity by the grace of God!! Thank you all for your continued prayers for the Lord’s people and his work in these foreign lands!!
In Christ our Lord!

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