Monday, March 9, 2015

Eric Fowler's Report #2 March 4th from Ukraine.

Eric Fowler’s report #2  March 4th 2015           
 Thanks to all the Saints for praying for us.  The mood here is very sad.  Many more young men are being conscripted to the war front, even the hospital here in the city had two of the best surgeons taken. Food prices sore very high, sometimes things double over night. Fruit, very high, floor sugar and other things are hard to get, gas more than double from last March.                     
 Today we went to hospital and gave the Dr. more sheets that came. Then we went to the Mom's
section and met with the head nurse. She was so glad to see us. Her mood was very low as two
of the doctors who take care of mothers are called to go to war front. It was in her section that a man came in with explosive  tied on him and set it off. I talked a little about that in my last report. Another person also died from the explosion. 
 We had a very nice time with 14 visits with mothers. They were all from Ivano Frankivsk except for two. One lady talked and asked many question. One Father was present and they were from the war front area. I heard that over 100,000 have fled the area. One couple from war front came for clothing and to meeting the week before we came. We called them since coming and they will be out this coming Sunday. We then went to market and got food for an old lady who came to meetings for some time now and I believe she got saved along the way some time. She was at Lutsk last July to the conference and she really enjoyed it. One of her daughters was out to meeting on Tuesday night with two of her daughters and want to come back again as they really enjoyed the meeting.  Helena is her name and she cried when we came and brought so much food. she said she was so lonely for us both.
   We then came home to have little tea and do little extra reading. I am responsible for the four Lord's days in Lviv while I 'm here as well as the two meetings a week here in Ivano Frankivsk.  
We then went to meet the Russian lady, Tanya, who lost her husband after we left last year. I talked a little of her yesterday as she was out to meeting with her two children. We let her shop for herself, but she was shy.  She had never shopped for so much before. The two little
 girls love my wife and I.  
 We then picked up some things to have 5 people in as it was my wife's birthday. Oleg and Ola,
 they are the ones who receive the clothing when it comes here. Then Luba and her daughter Marika.  Luba is in fellowship in the meeting in Lviv. Then Louisa , came she is the mom of Svetlana  the interpreter who got saved two years ago. We had a nice time with them all.       Luba and Marika stayed a little extra and we played some games with them.
   Day over and it was full.
March 5th
 We had to leave apartment early to meet a man to get Biology charts for the school in Peters
 Village.  WE went and picked up Leanna as she wants to spend little more time with us.
Her full intentions I'm not sure about but like to think she is searching for salvation.
 Had nice time  at the school and they were very happy to receive us again. The principle was sick and in Hospital last year when were there. She cried when we came as she appreciated her flowers, food and visit while in hospital.  Her daughter is a doctor and is called to the war front
as well and this makes her very very sad. Had soup at the school and looked at the stove they had
 just week ago. It was a stove from the 1500’s I think, very very old.
We came back in the city a 50 min. drive and we picked up some food for Leanna and took her home. We then went to supper to Valantina's home. She is one of the blind ladies that come to meeting.  She was not out yet since I came as she is having some other medical issues. It was nice to see her son again, he has a car collection. Her cousin comes to help her some when she has us in and wants to do this once or twice while we are here. The dear lady has heard much Gospel but as of yet is not saved.  We then took Leanna and her daughter, Valdimear and my wife and I for a swim.
Now home for another day over. Trying to write these simple thoughts where you all can read and again do little extra study for all the meetings.

                                Eric and Margie Fowler    Ukraine Missionary journey.

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