Monday, September 28, 2015

News update from the Canadian scene. October 2015

News from Canada as to those heading to Ukraine.

In the beginning of October, Eric Fowler, his wife and two other ladies, will go to Lviv and Ivano Frankivsk for a month.

On October 28th, Howard Pratt and Malcolm Stanley will arrive in Lviv in time for the Conference. Both will be taking part as well as Eric Fowler.

When The Fowlers leave, Malcolm and Eric will stay for the month, working in both Lviv and Ivano Frankivsk. We will all be having meetings at various times of the week as well as visiting schools, orphanages and various homes and villages in the areas around the two cities, distributing literature and items of need.

We thank the many who have donated clothing etc. that has already been sent and will be waiting for us when we arrive.

Thank you for your prayers and support of the work in this very needy country. Some have asked about the ongoing turmoil in parts of Ukraine. As you will see in the previous letter, there is a fragile cease-fire in effect at the moment, but thankfully the hostilities did not reach the the Western part of the country. However, the economy has suffered drastically in all of Ukraine.

We hope to have regular updates from the work throughout the next 2 months.

Psa_126:5  They that sow in tears shall reap in joy. 

Malcolm Stanley.

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