Monday, November 16, 2015

Malcolm's Report #5

Malcolm report #5

Today was not so foggy but damp and dull, not nice at all.
Today was our day to go to the Baby Orphanage #1 in Lviv. We have visited this orphanage since first coming here with Flo. Edmund and Agnes keep up the visits now monthly. The place seems in better condition than when we visited years ago. We were well received and soon were ushered into a room where about 25-30 staff gathered. Howard gave word and I finished. The main doctor recognized me and came over to me. He has been their 18 years. We then went to feed the 2 to 3 year old's their snack of a piece of bread and butter with red caviar on it. They love it and lick the caviar off first. Red caviar is cheap and very healthy.

We grabbed a meal at McDonald's and then headed to the airport to see Eric, Marge, Mary and Bonnie of to Toronto. They were in a tizzy when we arrived. The airlines have lowered the weight of the checked bags, and they were all overweight. They managed to get them all down but then their carry-on's were too heavy, so the same process. We saw them off then, but just as we were leaving, Volodia gets a call that he is needed at customs upstairs. He is gone about 10 minutes and comes back through the line again with Eric. He then got away. The problem was a jar of honey he had got from a farm and it was not bought in a store or something. Anyway, Volodia convinced them to let him take it. We hope he doesn't lose it in Toronto customs!

Supper again at Agnes's and then to meeting. I spoke tonight and gave my testimony. Please pray for this assembly as too many men have jobs that keep them from week-night meetings. Some do not get out at all in the week.

Had a good day today, a late start as we didn't need to be at the village until after 1pm but a wonderful group of young kid all willing to say their verses and sing. I spoke and then we went to the man who organizes the meetings, the one who worked with the gypsies. They have six children but she puts an amazing meal on.

Home and quite tired, at about 6pm. 30 boxes arriving but not ours but boxes and boxes of pampers from Salem Oregon. We were too tired to go up to the Pizza or over to E /A's for a snack, so I spent the evening getting ready to speak after the b of b tomorrow. Trust all is well. Heading away with Volodia tomorrow so should be on line tomorrow.

God bless you all and please keep praying as we move back to Ivano Frankivsk.

Malcolm and Howard

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