Wednesday, November 9, 2016

Ukraine Report #4 Nov.6th

Ukraine Report #4.
Sunday Nov 6 th

We were up in good time for breakfast and ready to leave at 8:30am to go to Lviv for Morning Meeting. We had a full van of people to go. Several are not in fellowship in the church yet but are interested to come and look on.

There were a nice number at the meeting and several men took nice part. After the meeting Wade Bauld gave a nice word of testimony and I followed teaching the children.

We then had a nice cold lunch and then loaded the van to return to Ivano. We got home in time to have a nap before going out to our Gospel Meeting in the rented room. A good number were out once again and paid good attention.

Monday. Nov 7th.

We headed out early to go to one of our favourite orphanages in Yablunuv, or Apple Village. The director, Natalia, met us and took us to her office. She is an excellent director, very efficient and has got a program set up for the 80 students in her care. Most of these children are mildly backward in their learning ability and have special assistance in school. Only a few of the children have no parent’s, the others have either one or two but are not allowed to stay full time in their homes due to various reasons.

We took them 4 balls, 2 soccer and 2 volley ball. They were really excited with them. We met in their little auditorium and we both spoke to all 80 of them, they really listened well. Maybe because the Director sits with them as we speak!
We were then taken for a very tasty lunch of Borscht, potato patties and rice. The same meal that the children eat. They feed them very well.

We always ask what their particular need is and found it was for a laundry dryer. We were not able to help at this time. They get no help with appliances from the government.

There is an old people’s home in Yablunuv so we went to visit it while there. The director was away so we were not able to see him, and the old folks were sleeping. We left them calendars and headed home.

Tuesday Nov.8th

Leanna, one of the ladies who attends our meeting and we have known for years, asked if we could help unload some floor underlay sheets of chipboard for her. So we went to her newly renovating apartment. Thankfully, it was on the ground floor and the 14 -½” sheets didn’t take long to carry in. She has been able to do this, as she sold he mothers house in the village, and this gave her money.

We then headed out to the village of Stari Lycetts and the school there. The Christian Ethics teacher, Halina met us with her usual joy, she is a Christian.
We waited to the end of a break and then started to go around about 5 or 6 classrooms, almost non-stop. The children were wonderful and listened well as Wade told of his home city and the fire that almost destroyed it, I followed in each class. We said our farewells and headed back in time for out meeting at 6pm. Again a good number gathered with one new face to me, an African from Nigeria named Kelvin, who is studying to be a doctor. I think he may be a Christian but am not sure yet. Our young brother Dema opened the meeting in the gospel for me.

And so to bed very tired, but not a good night’s sleep once again.

Thank you again for your prayers.

Malcolm and Wade and Volodia our interpreter

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