Friday, September 21, 2018

Blog #5 & #6 for Monday and Tuesday Sept 17th and 18th

Monday sept 17
Today we headed out to Drohobych.

We visit a home which houses several girls who have just had a baby and have no place to go.
The first time we visited this place was about ten years ago.  It was a pilot project at the time.
Every time we go there we bring diapers and whatever they ask for.  Ruslan normally calls prior to us going and he’s told what is needed.  This time we brought some special formula for a newborn who was having difficulty and needed something to help his young immune system.

There were only three young ladies there this time around, as well as some staff, so we sat with them and talked about the Lord Jesus and the need to be saved. One of the girls was from the East and said she had tried to read the Bible but found she could not understand it.   She said she found it rather strange that people would have an interest in the bible and that religion was something people did on Sunday.  Ruslan spoke to her a bit more till she left to tend to her crying baby.  He spoke a bit with the the director.  

One of the girls was telling us she needed to come to Lviv the next day so we offered to wait for her and drive her since we were heading home.  So half an hour later we were on the road.  I can’t imagine taking a crowded bus with a baby, a large carriage for the child (5 month old girl) plus a bag full of diapers and clothes and baby supplies.  We dropped her off close to where her grandmother lives, which just happens to be close to the gospel hall.  After inviting her to the gospel meting on Sunday we bid her goodbye and drove to our apartment.  It would be nice to see her on Sunday for sure.

Gilles and I then went up to George Washington street to a language centre we noticed.  Once inside we realized its a language school. We were able to speak to a woman there about something we need translated. She will look into getting it translated for us.  We asked about her being available to work as a translator and it did not seem like this was a possibility except for weekends.  So we left her with the papers we need translated and came back home.

Tuesday Sept 18
Tanya and Ruslan came over in the morning and we spent some time unpacking the boxes we had shipped from Kapuskasing that had arrived just a couple of weeks before we did.  
Things were sorted out for their different destinations.

After changing we got in the van one more time (!) and drove down to Ivano-Frankivs’k for the gospel meeting.
We met up with Dan having left early to be able to go visit Yaroslav and his wife Halla. Halla has just had surgery to remove a cancerous mass in her abdomen.  She is thankful that the surgery enabled her to walk again.  She is waiting to go for more tests. The cost of being ill in Ukraine is difficult for us to imagine in Canada where we have health care for the majority of our needs.  Yaroslav and Halla are both on a pension and the apartment and utilities take care of 75% of their monthly income.  In a country where you need to pay for everything from a band aid to x-rays to doctors fees, it is not hard to imagine the financial strain this health crisis has been for them. If anyone is interested in knowing more about their need please contact us at

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