Monday, April 30, 2018

Report #4 from Eric Fowler. April 27th-29th. 2018

             April 27th. 2018....

    We sure are feeling the week at work and the time change on us,  but manage tosleep ok. 
  Igor came early and made some calls with Dan.  Leanna came at 11 to help my wife and we read and prayed together before we left to deliver things to the City central hospital. 
 We went to the laundry to get clothing washed and then went to deliver a Wheelchair and walkers as well as some sheets and medicine.  The head nurse was very happy that we didn't forget her. 
 We went to the market and got pampers for a family and I got some food for the house here. We got address labels made so we could put labels on tracts that don't have contact address on them. 
 Leanna helped my wife with clothing and she also made dinner for us. Luba came and got clothing for herself, for her son and daughter and family and for her mother in law.  We all had dinner together.. We then went to the Children's center and spoke to 30 children.  We gave them a  candy bar and a little Bible we had printed. They were telling us that two boys from the place, two brothers are adopted from Canada.The family is to come next week for them.  We also took food to a  Lady near the Children center. She is a cripple lady and very very poor she didn't  have any food in the house so got some other food and Dan took it back to her.  I went to the bank and changed some money and spent some time on the street with tracts again.  Ira came and gave us our second Ukrainian lesson.  Margie and I went for a little walk. Day is over and they are going too fast ......

April 28th

   Today in the Morning was more restful and slow with some down time ....My wife cleaned a little and ironed my shirts.  I read and prepared for ttwo meetings and the meeting this evening with the children.  My wife also got bags ready from the Box of children’s clothing we found for mothers at the Hospital.  We didn't get our normal bags that we got from the ladies in the Welland assembly.  The last 6 trips they gave us bags that they made and things already in them to give out to new Mothers for their babies. This spoiled us for sure ..but .they felt the need to help for Venezuela because of their crisis this year.  But God was good and sent a full Box of things so my wife could make our own bags.
 We have encouraged Leanna to help Margie as no ladies  came with us this trip.   It’s always good to have female help, yet the Lord knows all the needs....  
On our way to speak to the children I spent time on the street  giving out tracts.  This was my forth time in the street this week.. We had 18 children out and two parents.Dan played some games with them, taught them a verse from the Bible and  I had the lesson.  They love the verses and do very well on learning them.  Then all of us went to Pizza Hut for a burger, It went really well ...then Dan, Margie and I  went to Leanna's place for a supper.   Home then to prepare for tomorrow. tomorrow
 The week is over and now another to start early  in the Morning for meeting in Lviv..

April 29

  Morning came far to fast but then off for the drive to Lviv.  Dan picked up 11 children - a lot to take for a 2 hour drive to meeting.  But  It is a good exercise to have the young to listen to the word of God in their youth. All the men worshiped and it was a joy to see that.  I had a word on Ex. 25 and 35, the building of the Sanctuary and the willingness of the people to bring and build.  God's presence, power, person in the Place and it's link to God at work today and our responsibility to worship willingly and also work willingly.  
Then the Sunday school  was taken by Ruslan.  The children were very nice and stayed very quite. 
 We all had a wee lunch and a wee time to talk. Then the ride back to Ivano Frankisk. 
 A little tea after arriving safe and ready for meeting  It was great to see 26 in with such  a beautiful day and itybeing a holiday and people are planting their gardens..   
     The Blind man was out again and he said I have good news for you I have trusted Jesus and it's a change in my life already..  One of his sons was with him as he needs help to walk everywhere.  He said I want to talk to you more during the week. 
 Dema's mom was out and she said the message was powerful and very encouraging. It was great to have another lady stay behind and say that the message stirred her up too t
 We then went to Taras’ place for a supper..Taras is the son of Oleg who takes care of the clothing boxes..He is married and they just finished their new apartment.  A nice visit but they are very hard to speak the Gospel to. 
     The day is over and we are very tired to say the least but encouraged to see God at work. 
Eric and Marge Fowler

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