Friday, March 7, 2008

Safe arrival

Good evening. After several attempts, finally success!!! The internet connection is terribly slow which makes going from one page to the other on the net practically impossible. However....
We arrived safely in Lviv at 2:30 Thursday March 6th. We wondered if we would leave Toronto because of all that snow falling, but it cleared up and we had a perfectly clear sky to fly into.
To all our snowbound friends, you will be happy for us since there is absolutely no snow here. The weather about 10C. Very nice.
We visited the money changer today to convert some money to hryvny. The Canadian dollar is worth 5.05 hryvny. However the price of diesel has gone up and is now equivalent to the Canadian price. We did the mandatory "replenishing" grocery order (Remember that one Jeannette?) and visited the Bible society.. Overall it was a slow day as we are still trying to get over the jet lag.
Thursday evening we had a nice visit from Volodia and Halla, two young believers. They had many questions to ask and it was a nice time with our conversation centered on the things of God.
It is late and I will leave this. As you are changing your time tomorrow, please remember that until we change ours there will only be six hours of time difference with us (for those in the Eastern Standard Time.)
God bless you all.

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