Friday, April 23, 2010

Ukraine Spring Report #11

Report #11 for Friday April 23, 2010

Nick was up first today (after all, he was in bed by 9:30PM!) and cooked scrambled eggs and bacon. Sure smelt good, but not our kind of bacon, but Oh well, that’s one of the costs of being a missionary!!

We were not planning an early start so got some ironing done. By the way, Nick now has some nice cream shirts as he didn’t know that new cream towels tend to “share” their colour with anything white, including white undershirts!

Well we wondered where our driver was and called him. Well he was walking over as his car had given up the ghost. As soon as he arrived I got him to phone and find one to rent. He phoned everyone he knew and nothing was available anywhere. Then the lady who rents us our room here called him about something and he told he was trying to find a car to rent. She asked him if he wanted to rent hers. She has a Nissan Rogue SUV. He told he what it would cost to rent from a rental agency and she said she would rent for 50R less a day. So we have rented it for 7 days. It is a lovely car, like new.

So we came home and really loaded it up with children’s bible stories, baby clothes and blankets and items for an old people’s home. It was really full. We headed for one of our favorite towns Yabluniv.

We can help all ages in this town. We go to the maternity hospital with baby blankets and clothes for the new born babies. A lot of the mothers are from the hill and mountain area and are very poor. We met the head doctor of the whole hospital complex and he was very appreciative of what we were doing.

In the same building is the old people’s home and we took adult pampers and two nice blankets for two of the ladies there.

We also went across the road from the hospital to and orphanage of 127 children of all ages.

We spoke to them all and then gave each one a new tooth brush donated by my dentist, Hans Staziuk who is also of Ukrainian EXTRACTION, Excuse the dental pun.

We asked the administrator if she had any immediate need and they have students attending a Ukrainian festival and the need costumes, so we are buying the material for them to make themselves.

We then headed home rather exhausted and had supper and plan to do some much needed shopping tomorrow for medications and the material as well as school supplies for Peter Village school.

It was a gorgeous day, warm and sunny and looks as though Spring has really Sprung.

Thank you for praying. We trust Louis and Dan got home without any problems.

Malcolm and Nick.

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