Sunday, April 11, 2010

Ukraine Spring Report #2

Report #2 for Saturday and Sunday.

We have not been too busy yet as we were still getting used to the time change. I am not doing too badly but Nick is struggling.

On Saturday we went out to the village of Nesnevachi, where we first had meetings with Ross Vanstone and the Seed Sower group. It is always good to see Grandma Stephka, in whose home we used to meet. The meetings went on weekly until the Priest got up in church and told the people that Stephka was having Cult meetings in her home. She began to be rejected by her neibours and village people and so we ended the meetings.

We then visited another family there who had just lost the grandfather and father and had been in mourning for a week or two. They are a lovely family of grandma, Mother and three very blond girls. The middle girl plays the bandura, a harp like instrument shaped like a very large mandolin. She sings along beautifully.

Volodia, the young man who lives in Lviv and interprets at our meetings was there, as the girls are his cousins. He is a most remarkable young man, in his last year at university. His hobby though is welding and machining. He is presently making a 3 wheel bike for his grandma and others to go to the field and work and bring back produce. It is literally a mechanical marvel and will have a steering wheel and gear leaver. It will be pedal powered, by the way!

We spent the evening at the apartment unpacking and sorting some boxes of clothing that had arrived earlier.

Sunday, we started to get the room ready for the meeting at 12 noon. Boxes and piles of clothes and shoes everywhere, but we made it.

About 16 people came to the meeting and we had a good sing and then I spoke followed by Nick.

We talked about the baptism to be held on Saturday, God willing. There are probably 3 wanting to be baptized.

We finished off getting boxes ready for an early start in the morning to the orphanage in Lopartin.

All for now, it looks as though Flo has a busy week planned.

God bless.


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