Saturday, January 7, 2017

Report from Lutsk Ukraine.

Timothy Sloan reporting from Lutsk, Ukraine.

Fanny Crosby, one of the greatest hymn writers of all time wrote “To God be the glory great things He has done”. Publish in 1875 it is recognized as a wonderful hymn of praise and adoration of God. Here in Lutsk, Ukraine as we look back over 2016 we can utter the same words as we recall a year of blessing in salvation, believers baptized and added to the assembly, a Sunday School with 80 children and an assembly united and active in the Lords work. You might well ask “How is it done?” 1. God has blessed us and we appreciate His presence and blessings, 2. Consistent and persistent hard work in our locality and 3. YOU – your prayers are really valued.

Answers to prayer

1. Two saved recently

2. 5 who recently got saved were baptized,

3. 4 received into fellowship in Lutsk and 1 in L’viv. Dima, was saved in Lutsk on 12th July 2015. He lives and works in Ivano Frankvisk (2 hours’ drive south of L’viv) and was baptized there by brother Eric Fowler. There is no assembly in Ivano Frankvisk as yet so he has been temporally received into the L’viv assembly. Do continue to pray for the work of the Lord in Ivano Frankvisk.

4. Sunday school in Lutsk with over 80 boys and girls,

5. UCC – Ukraine Child Care teaching the scriptures to 100 children every day at the Gospel Hall,

6. We opened a Christian Book shop in the basement of the hall. It is opened 6 days a week from 09.00 to 19:00. We sell all our literature below cost and it is amazing how many poor believers from different churches come and ask if they could distribute some literature in their villages. We never turn anyone away empty handed.

7. Since January we have printed and paid for 60,000 Gospel tracts, 50,000 “Who we are and what we believe” and 50,000 Safety Certainty & Enjoyment. We have bought 10,000 Woven Bags with John 3:16 in Ukrainian on both sides, 10,000 Bibles and New Testaments and received 33,000 Calendars for 2017,

8. All 33,000 calendars have been given out. We know that God has promised to bless His word.

Please pray for

1. The 10,000 woven carrier bags we bought from China in 2016 have been so well received on the streets of Lutsk that we plan to buy a further 10,000 bags with a different verse for 2017.

2. We plan God willing 2 conferences in 2017. Our new Easter Conference commences Friday April 14th to Monday 17th and our 14th summer conference commences Saturday 8th July to Lords Day 16th. The speaker expected is brother Ryan Coleman (Hatboro Gospel Hall) Pennsylvania, USA).

3. The Norwegian owner of the orphanage building in Lutsk which we long to buy contacted me yesterday 12/12/2016 and has asked me to put in a serious bid for the building before New Year. We will do this even though we do not have the funds believing that if God wants us to have it He will provide. We appreciate your prayers.

Rhoda and I are excited as we look forward to 2017 God willing. We have 5 teenagers and a number of unsaved who faithfully attend Gospel meetings. Pray for their salvation. We value your prayers and trust that the Lord will richly bless you.

Yours in Christ, Timothy & Rhoda Sloan

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