Saturday, November 9, 2019

Malcolm's Report #8 for Nov. 1-3rd

Malcolm’s Report #8 For November 1st-3rd
Friday Nov. 1st
Went to buy some product for our games night tonight and went to see Anna and Marika while up town.
Anna has been coming to meetings for many years, since we first came to Ivano and was saved and baptized somewhere along the way. She was in the fellowship as well. Some of you will remember the fire she had in her apartment some years ago. She is now very weak and bedridden and I feel not long before going home to heaven. Marika, her daughter now lives with her and looks after her. As always was the case, we were always asked to stay for “tea”, which included cabbage rolls and sweet buns and coffee. The apartment has been well restored since the fire. We left a bag of staple products, though I doubt Anna will eat too much of it.
We went home and prepared for the folks who we thought may come for a games night. We never really have the faintest idea who may come but were happy when 8 people came. Some I had never met but we had a good 2 hours fun and fellowship.
Saturday was to be a clean the apartment morning, which I did while Dan shopped. In the afternoon, dan and Dema headed to a park to meet a bunch of kids for a “sports” afternoon. It was not a nice day, cold and wet, but this only discouraged me from going, so I stayed home and read.
Once they came home we went out for supper. We can eat so reasonably, it’s no worth the bother of buying food to make a meal. We have all we need for breakfast and snacks so are not hurting.
Sunday.  Well today will be a little different to a usual Sunday back at home. Dan and Dema have found that people really want to have a meeting on Sunday morning, so we did not go to Lviv for Breaking of Bread meeting, this morning. Many of the saved people would love to have an assembly here, and there are enough in numbers but not enough yet who realise the responsibility of being in fellowship and the need for regular attendance at most meetings.
So these meetings have been run to have teaching and gospel message and Sunday school for the dozen or so children who come. We started with a time of hymns and then prayer and then children’s message followed by ministry. It went very well, the children are very excited and loud with singing and answers, but are really learning verses and songs. After this everyone gets snacks and drink before going home. Dan picks them up and takes them home.   It is really exciting to see the people and the children so interested in this meeting, so we pray that God will lead and assembly to eventually be established in Ivano Frankivsk one day.
We also had an evening Gospel meeting with a nice number out and good attention. A young lady university student stayed back to talk, not having ever heard the gospel before it seems. She is very interested to know how it all works, so pray for Anna that she will continue to come. We had supper and then planned some visits tomorrow.                           
 Please keep praying for Ukraine.

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