Thursday, October 10, 2019

Blog #6 For Eric Fowler.8th Oct 2019.

  Greetings .....
          Morning came early and it was -3 ...getting colder each night.  They tell us that there is snow in the mountains and cold.  
We have just stayed near the city and in the city for this trip.  
 We went to the clothing room after breakfast and picked up the things we found for the hospital again.  A few sheets and some medical supplies . The head nurse told us what you bought few days ago has almost gone        and it came in good time for the homeless.   
Then went and picked up table and things that Tanya need for the dinner at her place after the baptism.  
We came home and got ready for Baptism at 3.
 Edmond and Agnes, Ruslan and Tanya and Ola came from Lviv.  There was 29 of us at baptism, it went well.   Tanya's oldest son Valara got baptized. I had a word on Baptism, Dema opened in prayer and Dan did the baptizing and Edmond closed in Prayer. It was great to see Euri's wife and his 5 children there. 

 Then we went to Tanya's for dinner.  She did a lot work and the meal went well.   

Then right to meeting.  We had 32 out, nice number yet some of the regulars are still missing. 
 Dema's Mom was to all and seemed to enjoy it.   Igor, the last interpreter came and we went for tea after meeting with him.  The young man from Odessa that we meet on the street came .   Sasha the man troubled  hasn't been out for the last three meeting ...he called and is sick.
Home but mighty tired but a great day for sure.

Eric and Marge.

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