Sunday, April 28, 2013

Spring 2013 - Report #11

Report #11
Friday, April 26th.
Ruslan did not plan for me or Howard and Dan to rest. We loaded about 5 or 6 boxes in the van, went to our (and Flo’s) favourite super market and bought food items for about20 families in Holovesko in the Carpathian Mountains. We love to go there as the people are very receptive to the gospel being preached. The poverty of this area has to be seen to be believed. We met Natalia, our first contact and convert in this village. She teaches English to about 100 students and has just started teaching from grade 1. We met at her sister Era’s home that has 14 children. While we ate some lunch the people started to come from all around, all walking of course.
When it seemed most had arrived, about 30 with the children, they sat on the bank and I preached for about 15 minutes. Then we took the boxes out and put them on the ground for them to go through. It is quite a sight as they take and swap with others for size or colour. When they have finished selecting clothes we start giving out the food according to how many children in the home. We bring flour, rice, cooking oil, pasta, tea, and other things. Ruslan is very good at this, Flora taught him well.
We had two special families of very old poor people that we took bags of product to. We said farewell to Natalia and her 6 year old daughter and headed home. We found a nice small pizza cafe that had a full menu. We had chicken or pork steak and French fries and some had nice chicken salads and bread and juices for $7.00 each.
And so home to Flo’s apartment. Lubchick was working so Nadia stayed at her mother’s home with Vitali. Howard and Dan slept in Vitali’s room as the main living room is full of boxes right to the door, waiting to be sorted and taken to villages and homes.
Nothing planned out of town today. Ruslan tried to contact two families we wanted to visit but both were in their villages planting gardens. The countryside is full of people planting potatoes in their garden plots. It is quite a sight.
We went to one lady, named Maria’s home in the centre of town. She has 5 children and lives in a small living room and a kitchen. They sleep on two couches that pull out into beds that fill the room completely. She was in the village putting in garden but one teen age daughter was home, so we left a big bag of clothes. Several of the children come to meeting. One boy, who has been in the military got save over a year ago and is a very nice young lad.
We went into the market near Maria’s home, as Ruslan wanted to show Dan a shop where they had good suits on sale for $60. Dan was not really looking but Ruslan was! Anyway, he got a very nice tan colored summer suit and shirt and tie for I think a little over $60. He looked very sharp in meeting on Sunday morning. After the shopping spree, we went over to Volodia’s home and after examining his major renovation job in progress, we went to meet a lady and her daughter for supper. You will remember our visits to Petriliv or Peter Village, well this lady is the daughter of the school principal from the school in the village.
Howard had met the lady before and wanted to meet her again. We found out she and her husband were both doctors and she was going to open her own practice shortly. She was a very nice woman but not saved yet.
We came home and got ready for Sunday, Howards last day here.
I prepared a good breakfast for Howard’s last meal. (Sounds as if he was being executed today!) I had bought bacon so bacon and eggs it was.
There were a nice number at meeting and Howard and Dan gave good words of ministry following. Then a cold lunch and Howard was off to the airport, and Dan left for Ivano.
I came back to the apartment and planned to have a nap and then go for a walk with the family. The nap lasted an hour and it had started to rain, so Lubchick and Vitali went alone.
Misha had supper with us and we had some good conversation over scripture. I then relaxed for the evening.
God bless and thank you, everyone who has prayed for us while we were and still are here.
Malcolm, Howard and Dan.

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