Sunday, April 28, 2013

Spring 2013 - Report #7

Report #7 Sunday 14th.

We set off for Lviv at 7:30am in clear weather, with Yaroslav and picked up Luba on the way. One wonders how much is going to be done to repair the roads here, as many sections need to be completely resurfaced. It took us an extra half hour to get there but we arrived shaken but safe.
There were a nice number there to remember the Lord Jesus, with good participation. Howard and I spoke after the B of B. We then enjoyed a good cold lunch. Ruslan had purchased some Ukrainian and Russian Bibles for us to take to the rehabilitation group, here in Ivano. We will deliver them later in the week. They have some men who only understand Russian.
The way back home was no better as it poured with rain for much of the way, thus hiding many of the holes in the road. Poor van!
We arrived in good time for the 5 pm meeting but I “crashed” for 15 minutes before the meeting. The constant sudden steering and gear changing wears you out. Howard volunteered to drive but admits he will not make as good time and our time is critical to get back for meeting.
About 15 out to meeting, not sure what kept some from coming. Easter is very near and many go visiting. We went out for a light supper with Ruslan and his wife and then came home and prepared for tomorrow. I went to bed at about 10am and slept till 6pm, much refreshed, thank the Lord.
We loaded up 6 boxes of men’s and boy’s clothing for the two homes in Sniatin for mentally challenged males. We would like to make you aware of the real need for boys and men’s clothing from ages 12 to old men. We do not need too many men’s suits but the pants will do fine.
The roads were terrible, as usual but we arrived at the men’s home first. The Administrator met us and then brought about 25 of his staff to a meeting for us to speak to. We had a good time with them and gave out tracts. They give us a great welcome and told us to come back. We unloaded 3 boxes of men’s clothes and some cleaning supplies. They receive no funds anymore for cleaning supplies of any kind.
We then headed to the boy’s home and had the same privilege of speaking to 20 of the staff. We wonder how many government institutions in our countries would allow the staff to take off time to hear us preach. We unloaded 3 boxes there and cleaning supplies and then headed home.
We have a special prayer request for a lady who lives in Striy, a town near Lviv. Her name is Maria and her husband was a doctor but now only does wood carving. Tomorrow the 16th, she is to have heart surgery. We are not sure what the surgery is but it sounds serious and she is very afraid. They have no funds and there may well be a huge bill. We will keep you informed of the progress

Thank you again for your prayers and comments.

Malcolm and Howard

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