Sunday, April 28, 2013

Spring 2013 - Report #9

Report #9
Friday April 19th
We headed back to Pear Village and had a good time with about 50 students of several ages. Again they listened well and were quick to answer questions. We gave out testaments and texts, tracts and candies.
We then went to see the poor Pentecostal family to take some clothes. The husband was not there as he was working on the house. They seem determined to get it livable but we can’t see it happening for a long time. We were able to give them clothes for all the children.
We then headed for a new place for me, though Howard had been to this small Christian Internat. It is in a town named Tlumach, with the l being silent. Don’t ask why it is in there! What a surprise for me to see the “5 star” home. The administrator and his wife run it, they are Pentecostal folks, wonderful Christians who started and run this facility by faith. They have 30 or so kids from babies to 18, all living as one big family. There was too much good about this place to explain, but God was really in it. We spoke to the kids in their sitting room and found it hard to leave, because they made us so welcome. We left clothes.
So ends my last day for travelling out of town. I will go to Lviv on Sunday and not return to Ivano. Howard will have a few more days here.  
 Saturday.  20th
A lovely warm day again. I went to have a haircut; I was getting a little shaggy. I then took the van for a car wash. Automatic but a guy washes it first with a wand and take out the mats and washes them and then it goes through the wash. It did a good job.
Howard had stayed at the apartment because we had a note saying that there was one more box from the last shipment to be delivered. Anyway, it never arrived and we had an appointment with a lady and her daughter in the afternoon so must have missed them. Will call again on Monday.
We had a nice visit with Leana and her teen age daughter, living in a one room hostel apartment because her husband sold their apartment while she was having the baby and left her with nothing. Something like this anyway, it seems to happen often over here. We had a good opportunity to share the gospel with her as we don’t think she is saved. She has been to meetings but not regularly.
We went for pizza for supper and then home to get ready for Lviv on Sunday.
Sunday 21st
Of course, it rained in the night on my clean van, but was a nice bright day for the “driving endurance test” to Lviv. Some parts of the road but about three quarters was even worse than before, but we made it in good time for meeting. There were 6 of us today, Luba and he son, Yaroslav and Victor who was coming for the first time. He is the son of Antonia. He went to prison for trying to get his niece back for his brother. His brother’s wife left the country and took the little girl. They have never been heard of since. Anyway, Victor became a Christian in prison and is doing well.
There were a good number out to meeting with about 5 or 6 looking on. I spoke this week and Howard will speak next Sunday before he goes home in the afternoon.
Tomorrow will be a new experience as I will travel to Sevastopol in the Crimea.
Keep praying, we all need God’s help daily as the opportunities afford themselves.
Malcolm & Howard

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